Thursday, September 09, 2010

Bon jeune genevois!

Salut! Ca va mes amie?

And that's all the French you will get from me pour l'instant.

So I have been in Geneva for almost a week now and have worked at my desk for 3 days now and juste alors! Thursday is a holiday called the Genevan Fast (jeune genevois).

And according to my friend wikipedia, it was done historically to protest something or other but the fun part is they eat plum/prune cake for dessert! So for the past two days I have been bringing home all things prune... Fresh prunes (which are actually oblong plums with slightly greener flesh) and prune cake and prune flan...yes. I haven't been going to the bathroom as much as expected though.

Anyway, I am moving house tomorrow, which should be exciting because I like the room. It will also be much closer to work and closer to town and shops etc. I can't wait to grocery shop. I am going to go on a cheese spree. Watch out peeps I am MAKING TIRAMISU one of these weekends. Mascarpone for 2 dollars! Juste ma bonne chance!

*sidenote: my french is horrendous, I am merely tossing in a few random french words here and there to reassure you that yes I really am in a French speaking land as opposed to writing this from my room in Bangi.

I was thinking how on Friday it will be Eid, and I will be spending it with Malay Malaysians and I suddenly fiercely missed my Baltimorean Muslim friends. But anyhoo, food should be good at the ambassador's house.

People keep reminding me how sad it is that I won't be spending Eid with my husband, but I suppose it hasn't hit me yet. I do miss him immensely and think about him every five minutes, but it is not with sadness, but whimsically. I hope he can come visit soon. Kalau tak rugi je rent master bedroom mehehehe.

My favorite French sentence right now is 'Prochaine arrete: Gare Cornavin.'
(Next stop: Cornavin station.)

ps: Fifer knows this, but I have a tick: checking his ex's blog every now and then to reassure myself.

ah. the continent between us.

1 comment:

n.m.p said...

ps: Fifer knows this, but I have a tick: checking his ex's blog every now and then to reassure myself.
