Thursday, November 18, 2010


If it pleases the Court, my name is Bustaman for the Petitioner. My learned friends Puan Siti Noor Hafizan binti Zakaria from the A-G’s Chambers; Mr Alex Chang Huey Wah from the Bar Council and Mr Andrew Davis from the KL Bar Committee appear before Your Ladyship today.

This is a Petition before My Lady to admit your humble Petitioner to the Rolls. My Lady, please allow a brief background on your humble Petitioner.

She is all of 25 years old, the 3rd of 4 siblings. Graduating from the International Islamic University in April 2008 with an LLB (Hons), she was then accepted on a contract basis into the A-G’s Chambers as a Deputy Public Prosecutor in July 2008.

Her first posting was to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission where she is now serving in the Prosecution Division. Her work takes her all over the country, dutifully serving wherever she is required to. She has also previously been stationed in Malacca as the State MACC Deputy Public Prosecutor.

My Lady, your humble Petitioner wishes to thank a number of people this morning. First and foremost, she would express her thanks and gratitude to her mother and 3 siblings, for all the time, effort and support given to her in her endeavour at university up until now. Truly it is the bond of family that remains into eternity.

She would also wish to express her appreciation to Maria and Eylia as well as Mr Murali for their combined assistance in filing her Petition Papers. It has indeed been an eye-opening experience into the world of the workings of the civil court process. She now has had a glimpse of the goings-on of civil work. Whether she will be more involved in civil work remains to be seen. She is also deeply grateful for the support shown to her by friends such as Kye, Fifer, Iza, Meen, Y, Aishah, Nadia, Fatin and Lyza for their tireless effort and support throughout her career thus far.

My Lady, your humble Petitioner is also indebted to the encouragement given to her by her superiors and immediate boss at the A-G’s Chambers. Their wealth of experience and knowledge, both in work and in life, has indeed been enlightening on many occasions. After all, with age comes wisdom. Those that are present today are a testimony of the bond of family and friendship that she cherishes deep in her heart.

My Lady, a special reference also goes to her late father, arwah Dr Mohd Pozi bin Hj Masurori. Come the 23rd of November, it shall be 2 years since he has left us. As a responsible family man, he has been a pillar of support to your humble Petitioner, pushing her to greater heights and feeding her constant support throughout the pursuit of her law degree. Even now, his values and principles have been inculcated in your humble Petitioner, which I would submit, make her family proud of her.

Though her late father is not present today, he is ever with us in our prayers and in our hearts. It was indeed one of his wishes that his daughter be finally admitted to the Rolls. As the saying goes, “Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see. Your humble Petitioner is eternally grateful to both her parents for raising her to be all she is today.

My Lady, your humble Petitioner is of good character and is a fit & proper person to be admitted into the Rolls. I believe she has satisfied sections 11, 13(4) and 14 of the Legal Profession Act. As a Deputy Public Prosecutor trained to prosecute and uphold the public interest, she understands the immense public trust and responsibility that is secondary nature to her work. The discipline of the law materialises in many forms, often in intrinsic value personal to holder. So as the scales of Justice are represented in the A-G’s Chambers symbol, reason and justice guide her in the discharge of her duties. Her performance thus far is testament to this fact.

I would inform My Lady that your humble Petitioner’s papers are in order. I believe my learned friends have no objections and are with me in support of this Petition. Your humble Petitioner would be most obliged to be admitted and enrolled as an Advocate & Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya, a privilege granted to those that are worthy of the title.

I am very much obliged to My Lady for My Lady’s kind indulgence and patience in this matter.

Court: Order-in-terms.


Only Kye said...

Score, Kye's name comes first!

(you're going to have to explain what this is for though, it sounds important)

n.m.p said...

cuz ure not around! well, thats what i told the girls but they seemed a wee bit unsatisfied with the answer :p

this is my long call speech courtesy of chindian :)

S.A.K said...

i'm fine being second. kye got first because of distance. i got second because i'm awesome! hehe...

i know i know...i didn't make it (with reasons!). but i offered MEAT to compensate and Tun's easy. Just give her protein =D

congratulations Tun Teja! & thanks for posting this up. i missed it but iza told me that her friend said it was the best speech of them all. probably because we're in it.haha.

n.m.p said...

iza, ure not the last one. just remember this: URE NOT THE LAST ONE!
lyza was.

ok with that cleared, fifer im such big person im gonna let it slip this one. ONE TIME je ok? hehe. u still owe me meat. owh yeah.

it was the best speech cuz i didnt write it myself! haha! if it was up to me, mebe we'd get 3 paragraphs je kot :p

Bipolar sometimes said...

gosh i better think thoroughly about who's who in MY longcall speech :P