Thursday, December 09, 2010

chug chug!

When you find yourself wriggling in your chair and you have your legs tightly crossed to prevent  having a little accident in your pants because you need to pee but you can't go because someone decided to clean the toilet by leaving toilet cleaner in the toilet bowl to let it "seep in" or some shit and you don't want to disturb it because clearly someone's had a special moment with the toilet enough to want to remove all evidence of their special moment, one might think that it would be advisable to not keep on drinking! But what does a person do when there's a sexy bottle of PINK lemonade just sitting there in all its pinkiness looking all pretty? You drink it against your urethra's will. 

It's PINK lemonade yalls! PINK. 
It will lead you to impending doom.
Coincidentally there's a song called Pink Lemonade that I quite enjoy. Find Hot Lava's Pink Lemonade if you're curious to know what I'm talking about. It's a cover from some band I've never heard of but whatever. There's a line in the song that actually goes "You're as pretty as pink lemonade".

You can bet your bladder that Pink Lemonade will make you run after it in red heels 10 times your actual shoe size.

1 comment:

n.m.p said...

i like bandung.

i jawa :p