Sunday, June 05, 2011

I told Ikram about a bad day from my childhood memory. A bad day that came from childhood 'friends', the kind who made a kid feel wrong and nervous most of the time, like I was always on the verge of committing a grievous error that deserves punishment. Things that social awkwardness breed out of.

I told him I tried looking them up through various online means-- but to no avail. I hope they're fat and ugly now, and it bothers me a bit that they're probably not.

He said to forgive but not to forget, and that God is fair.

He said he was sure I was a pleasant little kid, and wished we were friends back then.

I reminded him he bit my hand when we were little kids. He said he doesn't remember this and that I don't have any witnesses.

Somehow this makes me feel better.

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