Monday, August 01, 2011



Last Friday my office held a small farewell party for me. On the way back from morning court session to the office, at the back of my mind there were tonnes of things that I looked forward to - of going to a new place and meeting new people and doing different work. I was so excited that I never really paid attention to "leaving".

So when I was asked to give a goodbye speech, I didn't have it planned and prepared. I knew the usual "Thank you everyone" "I'm sorry if I ever hurt you" "I hope we'll keep in touch" "Pray for me" etc - therefore I wasn't too worried about it. I mean isn't it just a speech?

I started with "Thank you everyone for holding this party for me. I appreciate it very much. Thank you for your co-operation and guidance throughout my three years here. I have learnt a lot from each of you - both professionally and personally. I'm sorry for any wrongdoings."

And then I chocked up. I could feel that my next line would tremble. Instead of composing myself I went on to say "Oh God I think I'm going to cry."

And I did. I cried. I wasn't sobbing but tears were definitely falling down my cheek. Like waterfall. And I made everyone cried too! Well not everyone, but most of them - including Dato'.

At that point I realised that I love these guys, they have been so nice to me. I love my workplace, I just hate the work. I will miss our breakfast at the canteen, tea time at the pantry. I will miss our conversations at Kak Rozi's room or in Pn Fariza's car or Tn Sazilee's school bus. I will miss their silly jokes, and advice on life. I will miss "flying" to go shopping or watching movie. I will miss everyone and those moments.

I knew my decision to leave isn't about the pay. It has never been. I could stay on a small paying job and still feel happy and contented. I came across this while blog walking and couldn't agree more:
Tetapi kalau kita rasa nilai kenikmatan hidup kita adalah pada berapa banyak duit kita dapat, maka aku tak boleh nak cakap apa kecuali kita tak akan rasa duit kita akan cukup. Kekadang, nilai hidup kita ada depan mata kita dan bukan pada kertas sekeping atau dua keping.
I have to leave because I don't like my work. I feel stuck. I'm not going to go into details and list down every single thing that I dislike about my job. But like Tn Kevin told me "Girl, you need to be mentally stimulated. Staying on in this job will slowly kill you inside." Ditto.

I thought I would bitch about my work when I met with my GM at the new place right after the farewell party. He asked about what I do not like about my current job. But instead I told him "I think I would like to keep it to myself. I don't think it's my place to say bad things about my current place." It wasn't about being politically correct; it's just that where I am now, I don't have bad words for my job.

While typing down this entry, I'm feeling a tinge of sadness. I could cry if I want to. I can blame PMS for the melancholy, but I too, know that I honestly feel what I'm feeling right now. Someone told me that "You're sad to leave because of the happy moments." One of the reasons perhaps.

I thank God for the opportunity that He gave to me to meet with these good people. Alhamdulillah.


Only Kye said...

Girl I feel you. It's not about the money. FYI, I just came back from Singapore after formally rejecting an offer to do PhD there, a scholarship of SGD3200 a month and SGD4000 it scholarship per year for 4 years. I think Ikram was very sad about the money I wasn't going to be making.

But I felt lega-- lega that I wasn't going to spend 4 years doing something that wasn't what I wanted to do.

But at least you gots a job Atun! I must now figure out how to answer the question-- what next?

Slamat pose! bila nak buka same2

n.m.p said...

Does this mean I don't have to call my aunts and ask them about a room near NUS? FYI, I havent called them yet! Sorry kye :p

I'm happy that u reject it. I don't want u to be stuck in the lab 80 hours a week! That aint living man! My first instinct when u told me about your dilemma was "Wait for Melbourne!". But I didn't want to be responsible if Melbourne tak jadi so had to keep my mouth shut :p

We should go somewhere that sells halal dim sum. I is craving!

Only Kye said...

Wow you made me happy saying that. :D I shall wait for the pot of gold at the end of the uncertain rainbow.

And until then, halal dimsum here we come! Or you know. I like sushi. :P