Thursday, September 22, 2011

quick question

Which one is correct?

1) The tees are currently available at and SELECT Nordstrom locations for a very pricey $85


2) The tees are currently available at and SELECTED Nordstrom locations for a very pricey $85

I saw no. 1 on a article (which MUST have been edited/reviewed by yahoo editor before being published) but always thought no 2 was the correct sentence.

I've always made fun of our McDs fries packaging that says "only SELECT potato varieties make the cut". But now I'm confused - can yahoo be wrong? maybe I should post this one up on Hmm..

1 comment:

Only Kye said...

my cop out answer is they are both correct depending on what the advertiser is trying to say.

Since 'select' can work as an adjective to mean 'choice' or 'high quality' as well as a verb, you can say 'select Nordstrom locations' to mean 'special Nordstrom locations'

While selected can also be correct if the Nordstrom locations were literally chosen by the authorities that be in which case 'selected Nordstrom locations' would mean 'Nordstrom locations that we have chosen'.