Wednesday, September 14, 2011

They say things are more likely to come true if you write them down

Or am I quoting something from The Secret? It's okay whatever. This is motivation. This IS the list of near-future plans/events to look forward to.

1. Receive offer from Monash to do PhD.
2. Obtain approval/scholarship from USM and MoHE to do PhD in Monash end of January 2012.
3. Settle purchase and move in to new apartment in Novembah! (okay even I know this one is far-fetched. maybe Decembah!)
4. Start buying furniture and putting up my framed posters on the wall *jumps up and down*
5. Throw our first house-warming/kenduri kesyukuran thingus so I can show off my nice wall art! *jumps up and down* (Get someone else to cook. Consider making apple pie and quiche. Oh and roti jala. Roti jala is fun.)
Just realized 3-5 are pipe dreams and looking forward to them is unwise.
6. Travel to Bangkok & Chiang Mai in Decembah! Europe tahun depan je lah. House buying is expensive. Even for cheap dodgy apartments.
7. Move to Melbourne and begin PhD in Monash late January.
8. Travel to New Zealand and watch some whales in March. (okay I made this one up on the fly but it's cuz I am EXCITED.)

.... but in the meantime we wait. *sigh*

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