Friday, November 04, 2011


I didn’t exactly know what an in-house lawyer is until well, now. Basically, you do everything, from drafting to advisory to civil law as well as criminal (Yes! You don’t know how many drug addicts who had been misusing the premises or truck drivers who stole the goods). Add corporate secretarial to that too. It’s my other 30% portfolio (How do you quantify these things? I should get a raise for that shouldn’t I? Hello boss???)

When I was at the AG I only focused to one specific job scope and that was already tough. Oh court dates – how I do NOT miss you! Now, imagine if you have to put on at least seven caps at one time! But the good thing about this new job is my having to deal with human beings is kept at a minimum, which is great because I don’t have the best PR and I don’t really like dealing with people. You learn a lot and I mean A LOT. And you have to do it fast because corporate people, well they are not used to waiting (do I miss government service?) Sometimes I bitch about as to why should I do finance work or HR work etc etc. Yes I can say for sure that if ever the audit for ISO came in, we might just fail because we’re basically doing other people’s portfolio. Not good for management. It’s not helping either when my big boss is one accommodating man. But he’s friggin smart and friggin rajin and friggin nice and all these fabulous things that you want in a boss. It's rare that someone can awe me but he does. My point is, while I see the situation in a semi negative way like that, I must also say that by being him (the accommodating part that is) he’s in fact exposing me to the whole thing here. How certain procedure works, how certain people handle certain circumstance - which is actually a good thing. So I can conclude that my big boss is a trainer in disguise.

If anything that I miss about AG is mi familia there. Coming into my two months probation, I can say my co-workers here are pretty ok. Boleh masuk la. Of course tak se-best dulu but give it some time, I’m sure they have a lot more to offer. Speaking of that, I’m comfortable with my manager. Funny chap, very the un-manager type. He cracks jokes every ten seconds? Nice.

Moving on to my rumah sewa – I kinda like the fact that I am most of the time alone in the house because my housemates are ridiculously workaholics so I can have the whole house to myself!(Cut them some slack, baru keje setahun. I used to be like them so I is understanding!) So what do I do when I’m home? Well, I give justice to my 2009-Batu Feringghi-purchase DVDs. Love Burn Notice. LOVE. Catch up with books (God I haven’t read for sooo long, I miss reading!) I also polish my cooking skills which by the way hasn’t improved that much. In my defense, I cook like orang bujang on a budget + for one person + there is no one for me to impress or anyone to give that YUCK! face after tasting my food. I do a lot of grocery shopping too. Retail therapy does help you know when you’re away from well, basically everyone. And I miss my cats. Everyday. I always imagine if I could bring them over so that I’ll have company. And oh yeah, I do a lot of imagining when I'm home too. Is that scary?

What do I hate about my new job? Nothing. But I do hate the road condition. It’s a given kan, nothing I can do about it. Plus I don’t wake up in the middle of the night anymore, thinking “What should I ask tomorrow?” “What should I counter-ask tomorrow?” "What should I ask if the witness didn't answer what I want him/her to answer?" SO tiring! So yeah, I’m blessed.

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