Wednesday, December 21, 2011

vincent is an assassin, not a grammar teacher

a certain someone told me i should make amendments to my recent post for its title (or any grammatical error for that matter)... aint gonna do that :p

this is an update from my recent post though. well, i called the vet to call off the operation. yes people, revenge is not looking so sweet now since there is none! anyway, the vet was not going to proceed with the operation either, because lucifer was not well. nvm the pus, lucifer has other major health issue - the vet suspects that lucifer has virus in his nerves system. i forgot to mention earlier that when lucifer walked, he had this swaying swagger. he also seemed a bit disoriented. i thought that it was from a wounded hind leg and other bruises but i was wrong. the vet said that even after 2 days at the clinic, lucifer still had the symptoms. she was not sure what was wrong with lucifer and suggested a blood test.

i told my mom about it before she went to pick him up from the vet. but my mom said "not our cat, not our problem. let the owner take care of it." and of course lah, even after being informed that her cat was sick, cheap neighbour did not do anything except took the cat back from my mom. no questions like "what should i do? where is this vet so i can send him for a blood test?" NONE. nvm the vet bill that I had to pay, but cheap neighbour did not even seem to be concerned about lucifer's condition! she's not doing any damn thing about her cat!

to be honest guys, i sort of expected that from her because she IS cheap neighbour. lucifer is just one of her many breeding machines that will be shipped out once it's no longer indispensable. but some teenee tiny spot in my heart had hoped otherwise. plus i don't want evil disoriented kittens to be running around the neighbourhood. that'd be scary. but right now all i can do is sit, watch and wait what's going to happen next.

here's hoping for a better year for lucifer, i mean the cat :p Happy New Year all! :)

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