Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Basket Case

Afternoon bike rides are kinda painful not for the vigorous exercise it allows me but the current state of the state (that's you Selangor). I don't know what's really going on with the government but for God's sake you could start picking up the trash as per regular schedule right about now because you're ruining the evening breeze. All I wanted yesterday was a calm stroll through the streets of my (recently turned dangerous) neighborhood but now I see how you're in on the plot of the universe to keep me idle. But you're wrong. Fear of inhaling the stench of decaying organic matter and soiled diapers only make you stronger. In this case, I had to carry my skinny ass on a bike that I'm not quite certain of how to shift into the proper gear while going up a hill and mind you, I ain't got no real upper body strength and my left knee is whacked. But I did it! Because I love myself enough. I WIN. 

And how pleasant that after I had enough maneuvering through lumps of trash along the route, I carefully mapped out my way back home so that I wouldn't die on my bike from the sight of maggots (can't help the irrational paralyzing fear of the protein rich wrigglies), I made it back safely without being kidnapped by a white van and spared from spotting any form of legless creatures. I parked my bike in the driveway and then headed to the side of the house to warm down with my furry buddies. I was looking for my fluffiest and grumpiest cat Parsi (his REAL name because we were too creative with his actual first real name -it was totally gay in a Teletubbies kind of way that even HE was embarrassed of it) who would normally spend the afternoon asleep between potted plants but this time I found him elsewhere. Drooling in a basket like he had a long night doing the Macarena! Note that the basket is not a cat basket. It was just a basket my mom probably left out to wash but kinda forgot to and Parsi looked soooo adorable in it I went in to grab the camera. Realizing what I was about to do, he quickly got up and composed himself before I could get evidence of his innate cuteness. And no I did not stage the scene. This isn't an episode of a reality TV show so why make the effort? Real life of the normal is indeed way less complicated. 

And that is all this post is really about. 
And yes, that is the expression on his face about 98% of the time. 


Only Kye said...

You need to put that on lolcatz.

n.m.p said...

Parsi Parsi. Some things (cats) never change. But I love him! Actually I love all your cats. No, let me rephrase, I love all cats!

He looks a bit like buntat though. That go-away! face. Classic.