Friday, February 10, 2012

Quality time with the family

Kid Bro #2: MAK! Ada pacat dalam bilik air mak.

Everybody makes the question mark face. Then...

Sister #2: Mana ada pacat. You tak tau pun pacat rupa macam mana. 

Kid Bro #2 makes a face that says mothercowboys I go to school ya know! And answers with:
Orang tau lah pacat rupa macam mana. Dia warna hijau. Dah mati dalam bilik air. Dia mati kelaparan. 

Dia mati kelaparan! Haha. I guess that might be true if it was really an actual pacat because the bathroom is not its natural habitat. But then I look to my mother and she sees the slow rising fear that I'm about to release into the atmosphere because I'm wondering what if? WHAT IF? I mean mutants are known to exist and they usually live in pipes and shit. Remember the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?! While I'd be fine with them kowabunga dudes showing up in the bathroom (primarily because they have legs and I don't mind having ninjas around) but I don't want to be doing my business with feet-deprived bloodsuckers lurking nearby.

Mak : TAKDE! Mesti sampah je tu. 

Pacats are not green. I know. 

Later while we were all upstairs, I was in my room and I overheard my brother asking my mother, "Pacat hijau boleh kena air tak?" and my mom says "Itu bukan pacat!". As I was heading out, I stopped at my mom's room to see the green pacat in the flesh.

Me: Mak, mana pacat hijau nya?
Mak: Mak dah buang.
Me: Apa benda sebenarnya?

This is the same kid who would not believe me as a kindergartner when I told him that my braces are the results of me eating metal and yet he's convinced that a piece of green string is a leech. But then again, they never believe me when I say anything. The making of a man. 


n.m.p said...

how big is the thread? it's yarn ke?

S.A.K said...

i cant say tun. i didnt get to see it. guess it will forever remain a mystery :)