Friday, February 24, 2012

Vision in Old Age

An old man driver tried to steal my parking spot just now and then FAILED.
When he failed, he HONKED at me.
Dude, if you're that old man in that beat up Mercedes, I'm gonna show you how my Mr. Grumpy Pants would have reacted to your "disapproval".

Make no mistake, I respect the elderly and I find that extremely important to instill in all children (and adults who were absent on that lesson day) but I understand queues and I was there first so yeah I'm gonna walk out of my car all tall and shit and not give you the acknowledgement you wanted. Before you start with your "Kids these days don't know how to...yadayada", go ask your doctor for some glasses and/or get the CCTV footage of the parking lot. I'll just say it now, IN YOUR FACE!


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