Saturday, May 26, 2012

This is a test only

So I am sitting at my desk right now, in a very quiet office on a Saturday morning while waiting to complete my experiment and a Russian-accented man comes on the intercom (which has never happened once since I have gotten here, and I mean anyone speaking on the intercom)

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to run a test emergency alarm. Please disregard the alarm, thank you."

I think to myself: Interesting, now I will know what sound to look for in the case of a real emergency or a drill!

The sound comes on: a loud beeping sound that continues for five seconds (beep is an understatement). Then a loud sound followed by a stern English/Australian? man saying "Emergency, emergency, please evacuate now."

And I am thinking, "Okay, there is no way I would miss this sound in an actual emergency. And I am inclined to panic right now, and dash out to Fawkner Park just hearing it even though I know it just a sound test."

Briefly after, it is over and the Russian man returns to thank us for our cooperation (of not panicking I suppose?)

I do not know if I could adhere to the age old adage to keep calm and carry on. Recent events tells me perhaps I would not terrible at it, but I would likely be blustering in tears while I carry on.

1 comment:

n.m.p said...

I don't think that you would cry, panic maybe. I know I would. Be panic that is.