Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Why I hate Don Draper

Mad Men is very entertaining. I have just started watching it, though I have been told it is very good since it first came out. I was always finding an excuse not watch it for some reason-- maybe I subconciously knew it would be painful yet addictive to watch. One of those masochistic drama series. Infidelity is always hard to stomach. Rampant infidelity more so.

I know most of the men and women in the show cheat on their spouse. But Don Draper represents the type of cheating personality that I hate the most. And I know the writers and directors meant to have him represent that type of man, because they cleverly incorporate scenes of him at home interacting with his wife and kids. Granted they initially included the home scenes only because they wanted to expand January Jones's character Betty Draper (and who can blame them, what a knockout!) but I think they capitalized on those scenes to add the dimensions that are necessary for Jon Hamm to portray the Don Draper-type cheaters of the world.

And this is the man who is the wonderful husband who sits up in bed talking to his wife, the wonderful father who builds a playhouse for the kids and tucks them in at night, the great and able provider who works so hard and does so well, the man other women look and compare their husbands to and wish their husbands measured up to, the man other men want to be. Yet he is committed to cheating with every moving female body he desires, and with little remorse and much entitlement.

This is the man whose philandering ways will blindside any woman. They would never see it coming until it was obvious as the lipstick stain on the collar of his shirt. These are the biggest cheats of all. They make you want to be the perfect wife because they led you to believe they are the perfect husband. But it is all a lie.

And you know what I hate most? I read through the wiki article only to find out that Don Draper and Betty Draper eventually divorce. They both remarry other people. But guess what? Don is happy with some hot new wife. Betty, beautiful Betty, becomes an overweight housewife.


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