Friday, March 08, 2013

high maintenance

when i decided to do the crazy thing of working full time while studying part time, i already did calculation for my finances such as tuition fee, cost of transportation, monthly expenses etc. but i forgot to account for the lack of slep and rest which would result in bumpy face. yes people, i break out like nobody's business now. i forgot how stress can affect my super sensitive acne prone skin. blame it on bloodline.

funny how only stress from school can do this to me. no matter how stressful work is, i never break out like mad like this, god forbids. of course the occasional zits and heat rash would come, but not big cystic pimples. the one on my temple hurts like crazy as of now. god sakit ok! and i don't even touch it!

i tried many organic homemade stuffs because i was quite wary of putting chemicals on my face. after 3 months of attempting go-green, the result was not only unsatisfactory but my face got worse. i know proponents of chemical free will say that these green stuffs will bring out all impurities before they clear my skin for good, but i don't want giant painful pustules to come out anymore. seriously, tak cukup stress keje n blaja, i'm stressing over the acne as well. did i mention that some of the pimples are painful too?

when i was in uia, i had the same condition. (why school has this effect on me?) back then, i used to visit a dermatologist in kl and after 10 months (or was it more?) my face was clear. so this time i decided that i should do the same. and today marked my second round of dependence on skin prescription. hopefully this time it'd work as good as it did 7 years ago though i think it may take longer to heal because my skin is worse this time compared to last time.

let's not talk about the medical expenses shall we?

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