let me update you on my skin (hohoho we're turning this into a beauty blog?)
last week alone, i had two people who came up to me and asked "my my, did you have chicken pox?"
stress tak?
thing is, i don't mind if people genuinely care about me, but i DO mind when you feel like you HAVE to pass a comment just because.
and no, beauty isn't only skin deep. whoever that came up with that s**t has either never had acne infected face or was in denial. honestly going through this phase, i can understand why people go to the extreme to fix their face. not that i'm contemplating botox or surgery. but seriously, convention (again?) dictates that we should look presentable. and having chicken pox like face (uwaaa) isn't doing any help. throughout the week, i was trying to hide my face or avoid eye contact. my god, so insecure kan?
to be radically honest, i CAN go out walking in the mall and meet strangers. i really don't give two s**t about them or what they have to say because 1) i don't know them so i don't have to make an impression 2) it's highly unlikely that we'll be meeting again 3) even if we meet again, they will probably not remember me. but to have to face people who i'd be seeing again and again, it's just so hard. it's like, they will remember the time when i'm at my lowest (well, my face only lah). you don't have strangers making comments about your look - unless he/she is a facial product salesperson, but that's forgiven. but you have your friends, classmates, colleagues and bosses (what??) do this. stress i tau! each time they look at my face with that frown on their face, it's as if they're looking at some newly found bacteria under the microscope. geez! it's called jerawat ok, not XS258jhk bacterium.
i understand some people want to be nice but silence is nice too. so just zip up your lips. that would make me happy. i don't need constant reminder of how i look like right now. i can do that for myself thank you very much.
sometimes i wish i could go invisible, well it's not only this time that i feel that way. me and people no good social relationship.
now you must be curious how my skin is like. haha i'll spare you the nightmare.
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