Monday, September 15, 2014

u have no idea

most Malaysians today may (or may not) have taken the day off since tomorrow is Malaysia day. it's a long weekend for some. I iz enviyez.

last night I was in bed thinking, god I'm going to have a long day tomorrow. start work early. leave on time to make it to class. and then spend 3 hours there. after that go home. only then I realized that I HAVE ACTUALLY FINISHED SCHOOL! YAYYYY!

ok technically I haven't since my project paper result will not come out until next 2, 3 months. but I don't  have to go class. I don't have any more assignments or homework to do over the weekend. I will finally be able to sleep early everyday, wake up late on the weekend and stop fretting over tests and quizzes and mid terms and finals and such. such a bliss. people have no idea how much we should appreciate free time. just to be able to rest and sleep and unwind properly. to be able to take off days and not worry about leave balance. to be able to celebrate birthdays and eid etc and not have to sit for exam on that day or study for it.

when I was writing the acknowledgments part of my project paper, which was the last thing I have to sit down and write for, it really felt bittersweet and I got pretty emotional too. for the most part it's because I knew it would be the last thing I had to write for school. not so much for any other reasons. I didn't intend it to be the last thing to write but it just happened that way. or maybe I subconsciously left it for the last. who knows.

it's been a week since I finished school but I still feel like I have things (homework, class, assignments) to do. maybe I've gotten so used to it that it has become a ritual. ask me in a month's time. I may feel differently then.

on the question of whether I'm going to pursue PhD. my answer will always be NO. I will let kye take it for the team, thank u very much. lol. studying is draining. working is simpler though it never seems to end. but I always prefer working than studying. less stress and expectation.

I have a whole gigantic bucket of to-dos after I graduate. and u Omar, is on top on that bucket. 

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