Sunday, January 06, 2019

Day 4 sans coffee

On 3rd January 2019, I decided to detox from coffee after reading how it was probably triggering my hormonal acne. Also I’ve pretty much gained about 5kg since June, which is crazy. Daily lattes (which cost between rm7.50 to rm15 depending on whether I got one or two cups) were probably a contributing factor. So with a three-pronged solution to improving skin, scale
reading and wallet thickness I have decided to try forgoing coffee for a month— see how that goes and then recalibrate from there.

First day of coffee fast was not bad actually. I was expecting some scary withdrawal symptoms, but I didn’t feel any different. Same with day two and three. Today after a run (and finding the scale to still hate me) I am now sleepy a bit lackadaisical and wondering if a single decaf would be so bad...
But ok maybe I just need a quick powernap instead.

Then I need to start getting back to storyboard for the video (which just got an approved budget of rm30k— no slashes!) and think about what else I need for the coming week. After a couple of weeks in Bangi, pretty glad to be back at home to restart my routine.

Hopefully 2019 is not as bad as I fear it might be.

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