Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I expressed this to Fifer yesterday and she was sympathetic. However, I feel the need to express myself in writing: men, appreciate it when your women cook for you! And ESPECIALLY if they are trying to cook MALAY food!

Why should you? Why because we are NOT your mother and we DO NOT COOK EFFORTLESSLY and nobody measures when they cook Malay food! Our hours in the kitchen (rare that they may come) are filled with crying over chopped onions, frantically trying to remember if it was jintan putih or jintan manis that needs to go in after the 'kakah', then freaking out over how gruesome it is to disembowel a big fish, and not just that, but agonizing over whether or not we will have to brace for mean remarks, or you not getting seconds (because it was so hard to put away the first helping, wasn't it?!).

In short. It is not only a physical effort for us to cook you something, it is also emotionally draining to both hope that you will actually like it and dread the great possibility that you won't.

But we pummel through because they told us the best way to your heart is through your stomach! Even if you deny it, and say you simply are a small eater, we know you are lying because you compliment so many other women's cooking (and we don't really mind THAT much if it's only your mother and your grandmother... but the maid?! the sister in law's sister?!)

And it's so ironic, that other people who've had our cooking actually are rather enthusiastic... and some even say "Untung sape jadi laki U". Oh the bitter irony.

But all this pales to the fact that, after all the agony and torture, after all this....
We find out you're not coming home for lunch after all, and you're not coming for dinner either, and wth let's feed the salmon curry to the cat-- at least he knows how to show some love.

And our only consolation, Fifer has pointed out, is that however undesirable our cooking may be to our unappreciative husband, our kids will always think that mom's cooking is the best. So here's to that.


Lutfi Torla said...

I think I've heard somewhere that there is no such thing as a good surprise. Haha, maybe you shouldn't try to surprise him next time.

Here's the crazy thing though. For most men, what would make them really happy is being able to make their wives happy. Which is why we'll swallow it and say it's good even if it's horrible. And we'll take seconds and say it's awesome if it's great.

At least, if we know how much it means to you. We sometimes don't get if something is important. I mean, shoes? Makeup? Toilet seat down? We're convinced that you (women) will make the same fuss over both big and small.

P.S. To all women in general: Makeup? If we didn't think you already looked awesome, we wouldn't be with you. So go light please.

Only Kye said...

I don't cook as part of a surprise, I cook as part of duty. It is a wife's duty (or rather favor I suppose) to prepare food for her husband. It is a bitch to deal with when the husband doesn't come home to eat. And trust me I've seen this happen in so many households and I don't know how the women here don't develop some chronic high blood pressure from so much bottling up.

If you want to make your wife happy it's actually really easy: make her the priority. Consult her FIRST. Listen to her opinions. Pay attention to her. Don't come back home from being away for days and then spend the day in front of the computer playing video games.

And here's a p.s, most men don't pretend to say something is good when it is not. Most men like to criticize. Something delicious could use more salt, or just tastes funny because it's not how their mother makes it.

A second p.s is that if you think we looked so awesome tell us.