Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Update from Sarah's half marathon

Dear Friends,

Thanks again for all of your support! I thought of each of you today during the run and how we are all rooting for my friend Rehab, and continuing her cause. Your support got me through what turned out to be a really tough run for me!

The weather was ideal—cloudy for the first half and sunny for the second. Watching the clouds open up and turn from dark to light was almost magical. The course was very hilly, but beautiful—pastoral for all 13.1 miles. I saw horses and many friendly guard dogs.

The biggest drawback came from an unexpected place: my fellow runners. As you know, I wear hijab, so I cover from my head to my toes; and yes, I cover all the same when I run, too. Often people comment on the way I am dressed, but usually it is a friendly comment out of curiosity, and I am happy to address them. But today, before, during, and after, people would not stop commenting in a condescending sort of way:

-Do you have to wear all of that?

-Are you sure you chose to wear all of that?

-Isn’t that so much clothes?

-Aren’t you hot, honey?

-Wow, you must be so hot. You are really hot.

-I really really admire you for wearing all that.


This one girl in particular would not stop bothering me before the race, and when the race started, I was thrilled at the opportunity to lose her. But 10 minutes later, she found me again and tapped on my shoulder to tell me how much she admires me. Around mile 11, there was one girl in a red tutu who told me that she admires me, and unlike everyone else, she didn’t follow her “admiration” with a stream of questions about my volition in the matter. I found her admiration genuine.

But I didn’t run the race to be an object of admiration. I ran the race to continue the memory of my friend Rehab. Along the way, I know that a girl covered from head to toe on a sunny day is quite a scene; but I always hope that my image is one that could build bridges rather than create divisions.

The mental toll of not getting angry despite many patronizing and rude comments, and trying to avoid so many people on a crowded course left me with a throbbing headache; and I slept for four hours when I got home! But I just woke up and am about to enjoy pizza for dinner with my awesome roommates! And thinking of all of you again, I am again grateful for your support, and renewed with a positive energy.

Thank You,


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