Saturday, October 01, 2011

Nightmare with the big bad wolf...


Yes it's true, I had a terrible dream and it was concentrated around the Big Bad Wolf Sale taking place October 7. In this dream, my uncle dropped me off at MAEPS after a morning out with him and his family. Fifer was in it, but I never saw her. I only knew she was there with Kutai but they had to leave at 3.30pm and there was so much anguish in her voice over the fact.

Eliza was in it too, but she was in the upstairs cool section. I had clamored up the steps only to fall of it and break my arm. After which I realized something had bitten my forearm and it swelled up to the size of a golfball! Then it slowly diminished but turned green. Yech. Either way, I wasn't crazy about the book selection upstairs.

I walked downstairs towards the basement where I knew the 1.5 million books awaited me. But I kept on taking the wrong staircase and ended up elsewhere-- for example one staircase I took led me outside of the building right in front of the Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Then I woke up.

Oh the horror!

(Now if I play my cards right and tell him this story Ikram will be taking me to this. Muahahahah.)

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