Thursday, September 15, 2011

Flying to and from Osaka marks the first time I got to see Ikram working in the flight deck. You know how statistically 95% of flight incidents occur during take off and landing? Well, I know for a fact now each time my husband is flying into KLIA it's a life threatening experience.

Stumbling out of the cockpit, I was met by Brendan-the-pilot-who-is-a-passenger and with a bright smile he asked me, "How was it?"

I struggled to reply. My brain was saying something like:
"Well...there were monstrous clouds surrounding the airport, the ATC was barking at everyone and ignored us after having us queued up as the next to land. Oh, a Thai Airways flew beside us for a good minute or two which made both the Captain and Ikram shouts some profanities for awhile. The ATC suddenly remembered us again and expected us to land immediately, forcing the plane to take a slight dive towards the runway. But all everyone will know about the landing was not how the KLIA ATC tried to kill us but how smooth it was because my husband is a damn good pilot."

But my mouth was saying, "Umm.."

Brendan still smiling, suggested, "Awesome right? Seeing your hubby fly the plane?"

I smiled back and said, "Yes."


Bipolar sometimes said...

i wonder how hard it is if you marry a porn star and have to see them on the job. just a thought.

but yeah kye. perks of marrying a pilot indeedy :D

Only Kye said...

did you hear about the HIV outbreak among porn stars? I think that would be very hard to deal with as a spouse as well.