Saturday, January 21, 2012

From Tuesday to Tuesday

Two Tuesdays ago, I asked Kye if she wanted to do a little photo project with me so that I can remember a little more about the things that I do from day to day. Also, to give me something to do from day to day. So I told her, lets just take pictures of anything. And so we did. Kye already posted her pictures up here (if you haven't seen them already). I'm a bit late (when am I not?) but here's mine. 

From top left:

1. Yes, that is the length of my hair now after that disastrous haircut last OCTOBER. As I've mentioned before, that's what you get when you go to Edward Scissorhand's inebriated MALAY cousin. If you're going to say that it doesn't look that bad. I'm gonna say, well yeah...that's after I've done a little chop chopping myself. Also, if I'm gonna put up a picture for all to see, you're gonna bet that I picked the right picture.  PS- those headphones may not be as stylish as Dr. Dre's Beats but dude, they're awesome although ill-fitting. If not I wouldn't have stolen them from my brother. 

2. This is the part of my bookshelf that holds the books that I have yet to read. Sometimes I just stand there, trying to decide which to deflower. More often than not, I just stare at that woman on the cover of Revolutionary Road because her lipstick is so red. I have yet to select a new book to read. 

3. My favourite piece from Soapsudsy's last update. It couldn't have gone to a better person! 

4. Ominous date, ominous cat. 

5. For the life of me I can't remember what I did that Saturday but I'm gonna go ahead and bet my soul on this picture symbolizing that forgotten day. A turtle on its back. 

6. Fantastic Mr. Fox viewing party!

7. Twas the day I discovered Slacker Cats and spent the next 2 days LOLing over it.

8. Opened up my wardrobe to find her keeping my clothes warm and toasty. And you bet your ass she gave me attitude. 
"What? Oh, ME is not allowed to sleep HEEEEEERE?" 


Only Kye said...

the length of your hair after Edward Scissorhands cousin had her way with it! tis a brave exposure. tis indeed.

love the pics and your arrangement!

n.m.p said...

Nice touch up fifer! :)

S.A.K said...

what touch up? :p

n.m.p said...

instagram touch up, i can never get too much of you