Friday, January 06, 2012

We're as old as we feel

A dear friend blurted out the obvious yesterday : We're gonna be 27 this year!

Yeah that number looks kinda old (if you were born before 1985 and reading this, sorry).
It does make you kinda shudder. So much to do so little time! Is this as good as it gets? Have we reached (or passed) our prime?

Some friends are married. Some are pregnant. Some are moms.

I admit, at times I feel like I should perhaps soon be a wife, pregnant or a mom. But that's just peer pressure.

I don't REALLY want to be married (yet). I'm not REALLY ready for a baby etc etc.

I suppose it's also the after effect of coming back from Bali. I get the same feeling each time I come back from a holiday. You just want more. So much still to see and do in this very big world. People to meet, places to see. And I'm like a little fat greedy kid in a candy store. I still want more. More more more. I want to take take take! I want whatever more the world has to offer For Me. FOR IZA and ONLY FOR IZA. It sounds horrible. I just want to take and not give! But I'm sure you all understand what I mean. Not ready to give. And there's alot of giving involved when you decide to commit to a man or a child.

Yes I'm turning 27 this year. But as Remie says, "Iza you're a late bloomer in everything". I guess that means I got a few years to go before I really turn 27 :).


Only Kye said...

If you're the fat greedy kid in a candystore, I'm the fat greedy kid in a locked vault of money. I want to take as much as I can before I believe the cops will break in and haul me to jail. But I'm not sure I have an exit plan either.

I guess what I also meant to say the other day, is that, although I don't think I've hit the prime of my life yet, I also think I'm in possibly the best place I've been yet. And I remember talking to someone about being lucky and eventually running out of luck... and so getting older worries me because I was used to being a skinny kid peering inside a candy store and living every day hoping for a better future; and now that I think I'm in the candy store of my life... will there be a time I need to go back out?

Anyway. That's just negative thinking. As Fifer says, I'm positive now!

We are 27 this year. We are going to be as fabulous as we've always been and maybe you will get married, maybe you won't, maybe I'll have a baby maybe I won't. Life will still be fabulous!

Bipolar sometimes said...

I just wrote a lengthy reply kye, but it got lost, dammit.

in a nutshell:

a lot has changed since our misfit days in smkbbb. so much that I truly have faith in the "grand scheme of things". I suppose each small stepping stone leads up to those milestones.

and with an upbeat heart, I look forward to the years ahead and I'm convinced that it'll only get better.

but yes, somehow we seem to be right inside that candy shop. :)

n.m.p said...

When we were 25 I felt MAN I'M OLD.

When we were 26 I thought ELEH BARU 26.

Now that we will be 27, I feel that I AM OLD!

There's something not quite right with odd numbers..

Only Kye said...

yeah maybe it's the odd numbers. I didn't feel old at 26 either!

Bipolar sometimes said...

Well this is our first odd number after 25, the novelty will wear off :D