Monday, February 20, 2012

impatient patients

I always frequent this one clinic which is my company's panel clinic because it's the only panel clinic I know. Pathetic I know.

The first time I was there was for a medical check up. I was only attended by the nurses, no biggie it's just a normal med check. The second time was for a consultation & treatment for my nausea and headache. So you can imagine how angry and frustrated I was when I came at 10 am to learn that the doctor was not in yet and that I have to wait for half an hour more. What the fish? But I was desperate and tak larat so I waited along with I think 2 or 3 more patients. After almost ONE hour, the doctor came rushing and I was called last. Cruel world.

Guess how I felt? Bit annoyed but still ok because the doctor is CUTE! Yes, somewhere at the end of Malaysia where I am currently stuck in, there is a cute doctor! God sent indeed. God loves me.

But the doctor is bit short. I mean he's as tall as me. That's short for a dude.

Besides being cute, handsome doctor is also smart in terms of explaining whatever that is wrong with my body and what I can do to ease it. The meds that he gave pun memang suitable with me so all is good. Although he's smart he can be somewhat arrogant according to my colleague, in which I couldn't agree more. Maybe because he knows he's cute.

Today was my fifth/sixth visit. There were at least 10 patients when I came in. It was 10.30 am. By looking at the number of patients I could already deduce that handsome doctor has not come yet. Apart from being smart, handsome doctor is also consistent. By the time it was 11 I could see 3 patients babbling and arguing with the nurses asking when would the doctor come? All they could hear was "He's stuck in a jam. He'll be here in 10 minutes". Well, 10 minutes was 30 minutes ago to me, maybe 50 minutes ago for those 3. When the clock struck 11.15, those 3 were gone and said something along this line "What kind of a clinic is this? It used to be good when the father ran the clinic!" By the way, I have also met father doctor. Nice old man. Very polite and fatherly. I like him!

Father doctor prescribed some meds for me and gave me a jab in my hip (hurt!) last Friday because I complained about a lower back pain. I couldn't bend my body, sitting was excruciating, standing was painful too. Sometimes I would get up at night from a painful body movement. So I went back today to get a referral letter since the pain did not go away completely. It receded but failed to say byebye to me.

When it was my turn to see handsome doctor, I felt giddy.


I told him about my condition and he said it might be due to torn muscle tissue and asked me to wait for another week before going to specialist but I said I couldn't. He shrugged and said "Ok, but they'll just do an MRI and give you painkiller and send you back home." Handsome doctor although he is consistent, he is a proud person too. I think he revenged by calling me this

(lady? I feel old. Hmm at least his handwriting is legible)

I went to the specialist today (got MC yeay!) and was diagnosed with slight slip disc. The specialist gave me nerve meds, painkiller and sent me for a 3-week physiotherapy.

In your face handsome doctor! Painkiller only konon. Pfft!


Only Kye said...

Tun only you could write so jovially about having a slipped disc. Did you figure out how it happened?

What does Busta-Rhymes-man think about your roving eye? :P

n.m.p said...

apparently, since i didnt do any heavy lifting or sports nor did i fall the specialist said maybe i was born with weak disc (salahkan ibu mengandung? :p)

i think he's ok with it since handsome doctor is chindian. dont call me bias! :p

but honestly, handsome doctor has soo much potential. if only he was tall(er).