Monday, February 06, 2012

muka tebal 100inci dan tiada akal logik ketahuan yang boleh dikesan

so you want to buy my dad's shoplot.
but you can't pay for it.
so what do you do?
make my widowed mother wait for it for two years.
and you don't have the decency to inform or respond when gently asked.
and while she has kindly let you rent the place for half the price, you don't pay the rent for nine months.
then you finally tell us what we knew for a year-- that you can't pay for the place.
you leave the place with trash, holes in the wall and fans that my mother installed taken off.
we fix up the place.
alhamdulillah in a week, we had another buyer.
things seem to be going well, he bought it, paid for it and is renovating the place.
now, three months later on MAULIDUR RASUL you have the gall to send my mother the text saying that you know we've gotten a buyer who has fixed up the place, and since we've made profit, we should return your rm1500 gas and utilities deposit.

um. m'am? you owe us rm9000.

oh. and you suck.

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