Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Today was supposed to be a celebration for all Malaysians. But here I am mourning for the loss a gem. I remember one of my many conversations with him I would ask what made him stay? A highly intelligent, and driven man, surely he could find a job with better pay/environment somewhere else. You would expect someone like him - who was already in a higher up position saying something like it's a sacrifice I do this for the country yada yada - sounding like a boring politically correct boss. But his short answer was "I can't go anywhere. I don't know anything else than prosecution." I remember snorting and saying "Yeah, right." My younger self thought he was stuck at what he was doing. So I was determined not to be like that. The last thing I hate is feeling like I have no options. Thinking back, that was not what he meant. He did not need any other option because he had found his greenest grass. Looking at how he took his job seriously and the amount of time and effort he put into it, he really loved prosecuting. Who would ring you on a weekend only to tell you to come see him tomorrow in the office because he has found a perfect case law for your case? Only Kevin. Being a prosecutor was not "just a job" to him; it's really his pride, his life, his DNA. Will Malaysia ever find someone like him again? For our future, I honestly hope so. Rest in peace Sir. We miss you already.

1 comment:

Tas said...

He sounded like an inspiring boss and those are few and far in between (especially in government I've been told). May Allah give him peace.