Monday, July 16, 2018

Before we die, we think of our children.

At least that’s what Matt Damon’s character in Interstellar says.
I always had mixed feelings about Interstellar. On the one hand it has that clean crisp quality that Christopher Nolan movies have, which I love. Supposedly some of the science in it was accurate or evidence-based. Until the whole “tesseract” part that is. But I recently read an analysis/interpretation of the tesseract and ending that resonated more with me— that made more sense for a Christopher Nolan movie-i.e. Matthew McConaughy’s character doesn’t actually survive. Ha ha was that a spoiler. Love how articles warn very clearly nowadays “Spoiler!!”
I always found that odd. Why would knowing the ending spoil everything? Maybe I’m blessed with short term memory. I can read spoilers upon spoilers and when I watch the movie for the first time I still shit my pants at the plot twist as if I never knew.

But back to thinking of our children when we are dying.

After my dad died, my baby sister Tasnim (who is no longer a baby) once set an alarm on my Google account for my dad’s birthday. However, she set it in the wrong month. Instead of 16th June, she set it for 16th July. So every year on 16th July, for the past 10 years I would get really annoyed come 16th July.

Last night we got home from dinner at Queensbay and suddenly Omar says I like this house.
I asked him if he meant the apartment. He said yea.
I said yea we should be thankful for having it, and our health and our things.
Then he said yea, And our toys. And our parents.
I said Actually I don’t have my parents anymore, just my mom. I don’t have my dad anymore.

This seems to surprise him. Why don’t you have your dad?
He died.
Who’s your dad?
He’s your Grandpa. But not Atok. Another Grandpa. Do you want to see his picture?

I pull out old photos of me and Ayoh in Rome.
Is that him? That man with you.
Yup that’s my dad. Doesn’t he look nice?

(Omar doesn’t answer)
Where is he now?
He died.
What happened to him?
He was sick.
How was he sick?
Well, his heart stopped suddenly.
Can I meet him?
I hope so, maybe some day.

And on cue the alarm for Dad’s birthday rings.

Happy fake birthday Dad.
Dunno if you actually  thought of us before you left but we think of you.

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