Thursday, December 19, 2013

Giselle, breastfeeding, and nevermind- baby photo!

I was originally going to write a rather politically motivated post about how breastfeeding in public is still a rather polarizing topic that does not need to be if people objectively thought about it.

This came after Giselle Bundchen posted a photo of her breastfeeding her roly poly baby and there was a lot of hooha. Sure she's put her foot in the mouth before with her "breastfeeding should be a law" statement, but aside from that I think Giselle is awesome, and I think her views on breastfeeding and parenting are mostly spot on (I would like to get Omar started on toilet training ASAP, but realistically will wait until he can sit up on his own). While I was reading about her 'controversial' photo, I got a bit worked up reading comments from people saying they have felt awkward about breastfeeding in public, even though when completely covered because people give them weird looks. Luckily, the people at my office seem very open about it and have never given me any reason to feel uncomfortable about the fact that I, a) breastfeed on demand (including in public) and b) express at work to store. Elsewhere, I have been blessed with rather poor situational awareness when it comes to people's negativity towards me, and most of the time even when I am aware of raised eyebrows, I do not sweat about it. It's not bothering anyone directly, they do not need to look and think too much about what's happening under my scarf with my little boy-- and really, would they rather HEAR how hungry he is or would they rather have him blend quietly into the background (that they can happily choose to ignore)?

Ok-- I guess politically motivated post got written anyway briefly.

Now I want to talk about my roly poly baby. Who knows when the baby posts will stop?!

Omar is now 3 months and a half, he's had his 4 month vaccinations yesterday (for free! whee) and was a champ about it, he can turn on his own from his back to his tummy (but not vice versa), he can grasp objects, and he loves it when you stand him up and let him walk somewhere. According to my mother, he is even testing out jumping now (while being held up).

For all the things Omar does, my favorite thing (and it's hard to choose) is when he is falling asleep and when he first wakes up. He will start smiling and you can see his gums, then he will giggle-- all the while his eyes closed. Then when he's finally ready to wake up the next morning, he will open his eyes wide and then grin at me. Best way to end and start day.

1 comment:

n.m.p said...

smiling even in his sleep. this one definitely takes your breath away!